There exists today a modern brand of atheism that
runs something like this: Christianity has long been a wicked influence on the
world; it has been a tool of tyrants, has oppressed men and women (especially
women) since its inception, has been an enemy of science, reason, progress, and
tolerance. It has caused men to rise to
tyranny, yet made others too weak to fight tyranny. It caused the crusades, the inquisition, the
religious wars, as well as being a generally pernicious influence on human behavior.
Such an atheism is not intellectually rigorous. Its proponents, like the late Christopher Hitchens, typically know little about even science, less about actual history, and least of all about real theology. Modern science developed in the Western world because of Christianity and not in spite of it. Men, believing the universe to be the product of an orderly mind and not random chance, knew the world might be rationally investigated. The positive effects of Christianity in history have been documented by various historians and scholars (1), as well as its positive effect on human behavior even today (2).
Such an atheism is not intellectually rigorous. Its proponents, like the late Christopher Hitchens, typically know little about even science, less about actual history, and least of all about real theology. Modern science developed in the Western world because of Christianity and not in spite of it. Men, believing the universe to be the product of an orderly mind and not random chance, knew the world might be rationally investigated. The positive effects of Christianity in history have been documented by various historians and scholars (1), as well as its positive effect on human behavior even today (2).
Nonetheless, the problem with the “new atheist”
position lies deeper than a poor understanding of the positive effect of
Christianity on the world. The heathen’s
argument runs something like this, “if Christianity is true, then Christians
would be sinless.” Since Christians are
not sinless, Christianity must not be true. It would be tempting to dismiss the heathen’s
argument as an instance of the ad hominem
fallacy. Obviously to attack a person as
a bad person is not to say that their beliefs are untrue. But the argument is even worse than that.
The atheist wrongly assumes that if Christians are
bad, then Christianity must be bad, but, to argue that ‘if Christianity is
true, all Christians would be sinless,’ is like arguing that if doctors existed
there would be no sick people. Doctors exist, however, because there are sick people, and thank God they do. Christianity exists because there are
spiritually sick people, and thank God it does. G.K. Chesterton put it this way
when he said, “when the world goes wrong, it proves the Church right. The Church is justified not because her
children do not sin, but because they do.”
Doctors exist because man needs cure from physical disease. Christianity exists because man needs cure
from spiritual disease. A naturally sick
man falls from the ideal of health and needs a cure. A spiritually sick man falls from the ideal
of moral goodness and needs redemption.
I once spoke to an atheist who claimed that the high
ideals and indeed, commands, including love of enemies and turning the other
cheek (3) of Christianity were falsified because they were too hard to
follow. But this is clearly absurd. That men do not perfectly follow high moral
standards is not proof that the standards are bad, but that people are. That many people fall short of health is not
proof that health is a vain ideal, but that people are sick.
Nonetheless, there was something right in the
skeptic’s claim. When faced with a moral
ideal one cannot follow, he can only do one of two things. He might abandon the ideal. Certainly, this is a popular option in modern
culture. Faced with a difficult law, the
skeptic denies the law. Then, having
denied God’s moral standards, man becomes nothing except a collection of
appetites. Hence, obesity rates are
high, drug abuse, various forms of unchastity including contraception, premarital sex,
and divorce are high.
Still, there is one other option left to a
person. On falling short of high moral
standards, he might react by denying the standards. He might act instead, however, by seeking
forgiveness. He might decide that it
were better to fail at following a high and holy moral standard than to be
content with success at a mediocre one.
God can make saints from sinners, but He can do nothing with a man who
rejects Him entirely, just as a good doctor can cure a disease, but can do
nothing with a man who refuses treatment and even denies himself to be
(1) Rodney Stark, The Rise of Christianity (1997).
Thomas Madden, “The Real History of the Crusades”
(2) Arthur C. Brooks, Who Really Cares, (2007)
(3). Christopher Hitchens for instance, ridiculed
the idea of love of enemies say, “I’m not going to love them. You go love them
if you want. Don’t love them on my behalf. I’ll get on with killing them, destroying them, erasing them.
And you can love them. But the idea that you ought to love them is not
a moral idea at all. It’s a wicked idea.” (emphasis mine).