“If [Jesus] is what he claimed to be, a Savior, a
Redeemer, then we have a virile Christ and a leader worth following in these
terrible times; One who will step into the breach, crushing sin, gloom, and
despair; a leader to Whom we can make totalitarian sacrifice without losing,
but gaining freedom, and Whom we can love even unto death. We need a Christ today who will make cords
and drive the buyers and sellers from our new temple; Who will blast unfruitful
fig trees; Who will talk of crosses and sacrifices and Whose voice will be like
the voice of the raging sea. But He will
not allow us to pick and choose among his words, discarding the hard ones and
accepting the ones that please our fancy.
We need a Christ who will restore moral indignation, Who will make us
hate evil with a passionate intensity, and love goodness to a point where we
can drink death like water.”
From The Life of Christ (p.8), Archbishop Fulton Sheen
For years in his radio and then television show,
Fulton Sheen insisted to American audiences that life was indeed worth
living. It was a message needed as much then as it is now.
Sheen wrote in a time of continuing
industrialization, consumerism, and materialism in both senses of that terrible
word. As man denied God, either by the
fast route of outright and immediate denial taken by the atheist or marxist or
the slow route of increasing apathy, non attendance at mass, and increasing
deism, modern man found there was nothing left to lend meaning, purpose, or
value to his life.
Nietzche, one of the earliest prophets of the
God-is-dead movement proclaimed that since God was dead, nihilism, the
destruction of all meaning, value, and purpose in life was the
consequence. Others proclaimed the
absurdity of life as well. Heidegger
wrote “If God... is dead... then nothing more remains to which man can cling
and by which he can orient himself.” The
French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre
spoke of the “nausea” of existence. Camus (The Stranger) has the hero of his novel realize in a flash that the
universe had no God and hence no meaning.
Indeed, to Camus the only serious question in life was whether or not
one should commit suicide.
Unfortunately, our world today followed these
thinkers in denying both God and hence any meaning or purpose in life. Nietzsche was right, the death of God leads
only to nihilism. Confronted with an
apparently pointless and meaningless life, many choose to leave it. Thence the current problem of suicide among
the youth. It is hard to live in a world
where everything means nothing and nothing means anything. After a century of world wars, genocides,
ethnic cleansings, abortions, how is man to look on life without despair?
I can think of only one way out and one hope for
the world. It was given by St. Augustine
when he said “you have made us for yourself O Lord, and our hearts are restless
until they rest in you.” It was given by
Thomas Aquinas, who when told by God that he might ask for any one thing
replied, “I will have thyself.” It was
given by St. Francis when he proclaimed “My God and My All.” And it is given above by the Archbishop
Fulton Sheen.
In Jesus there is a leader Who we can follow into
the fire, because He went through it first.
In Him is someone not only worth living for, but worth dying for. In Him is hope not only for the sunrise
beyond the veil of this world, but hope for the world itself. In Him the world becomes a place of meaning,
purpose, and value. In Him is hope that
suffering and death will not have the last word. And, in Him, is our Captain, and banner, and
I think the thing people will come to realize in Catholics who remain faithful is, above all, our ability to hope. Hope in the face of persecution and adversity, hope in the dignity and promise of life, hope that endures all things...
ReplyDeleteWe have excluded God from our society, our governments, our schools, our families and our lives.
ReplyDeleteI suppose, being a gentleman, God has stepped aside and is leaving us to get on with it.
God bless you both.
Wonderful post. Thank you sir. I've found you while I was researching about Ann Barnhardt.
ReplyDeleteShe quoted that passage of Archbishop Fulton Sheen to justify her tax strike.